Thursday, December 22, 2011

Letter of the day is "D"

Today's program is brought to you by the letter ' D '.
                    As in.............................................

Yup! you've got it correct. Defiance, defiant, disobedient, just plan old 'doo-doo' type behavior

You name it. they didn't do it! Some might call it acting there age, others might call it Defiance, but whatever you label it, more than likely you've been through it! its also been diagnosed as DRIVEMEUPAWALLTILLIDRINKITIS. How do you know your child has this illness? To note, here are just a few symptoms :
 Selective hearing
Physical assault over toy strollers
Refusal to nap
Frequent bathroom trips (only to fill tea cups with water after i said no! )
Jumping ON stools ON the bed.
Random lunch particles behind microwave

How to ensure that you rid your Children of this illness, and ensure you survive too~?!

Feed them cookies and read books...ASAP!!!!

& hope you have your 3 little kittens back in no time !!!