Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Breasts, Drugs & Shot glasses O.o

Baby boobs~ One of the best kinds of boobs out there! This here gem, is my Luna, A.K.A Tinky-Chunquette, A.K.A Wiki-Chiki. January 11th, she will be 6 months old, and as of today (Jan 3rd,2012) she is 14lbs 8.8 oz! All on the strength of solely BREAST MILK! No rice cereal, NO purees, NO formula & NO table foods :) I am more than happy to shout it from the roof tops "This is the longest i have ever exclusively breastfed any of my girls!" Coincidentally, she was the HARDEST to nurse also(see tongue tie post) . So much for perseverance, and a whole lot of mommy love.Our first few months of nursing posed challenges only an enemy would wish on you. Engorgement,(from insufficient nursing) and its friends,tongue/ lip ties (accompanied by a high palate) and Acid reflux. Which brings us into our next title........................
The good old RX resolution to all things colic right? WRONG! Gulping air at every feeding, and feeding 8 to 12 times a day (or in my case every 12 mn from birth to 4 wks!) your bound to have some....who am i kidding, ALOT of gastro issues. Including, but not limited to, reflux, leaky gut, and upset bellies. It served as a silencer for extreme screaming so she could eat & served its purpose as a temporary fix, and needed to go. It was very unsettling to use such a harsh drug on such a helpless little being, and any amount of time on it was still something i wasn't ok with. With diet change and time, i felt like it was time to kick the drugs. I cut dairy out of my diet 100% in the early months, even on the meds, but now that she was 'older' i felt like it was time to start introducing a little dairy, so we started with the hidden stuff :) so far so good. Luna has been off her meds %100 for almost 4 weeks now !!!!! I still intend to purchase her hazelwood necklace to help with acid reduction as well. I feel accomplished. Between the obvious issues, and having a high palate, Luna missed the 'golden' age to introduce a bottle (6~8 wks) she now refuses to use one. (which isnt that big of a problem). Whats a mom to do, now that babe is of age to be left for a few hrs and wont take a bottle?............................
 No bottle, No problem. It is the cure all for adults and children, just depends on what you put in it :P freshly expressed milk in a shot glass makes for a happy baby we learned 


  1. <3 Lorelei and I never got the hang of cup feeding, but Luna sure is cute doing it!

  2. hahaha THANX :p yeah she has done great, and it was her first time.
