Thursday, February 2, 2012

Circus Shifts of Co~sleeping

In my home our sleeping arrangement is far from typical. I'd like to call it the circus shifts of co-sleeping. For some, sleeping independently works, some co sleep and other side car there child's bed to there's so there babies/or children have there own space, yet feel safe and within arms reach of there parents. Well, were not rich and don't have a huge bed (only a queen), so if you want to co sleep and you have an acrobatic sleeper (2yr old) and a not so small (snoring) husband, and a nursling...i mean...lets be real here.....we'd need a wall to wall bed. Eventually were gong to squeeze in a full size bed next to the queen, but until then, let me explain to you the charades that takes place EVERY night.

My husband has a bed time. Yes, you heard correct, he has a set bedtime every night at 8:30 PM, set by Omri...or else!
because Evelyn and Omri go to bed at 8:30pm, and since for the last few mo. Omri no longer desires to be in her room with Evey. (also i believe she is use to our bed again because thats where she was when she was sick), we decided to put her toddler bed in our room, 'side car' style so she felt close, but had her own space.
WHAT? you didn't like that idea?....guess not. So every night (because she is in our bedroom alone) she says, "Pa, come lay with me i'm scared"
Lenny then goes to the room to 'lay' down with her. You'd be a fool to think she would be in her own bed & even more of a fool to think he'd ever return to the living room,.....willingly that is.  
But Every night, after Luna passes out on my shoulder & i'm done on the computer/watching t.v, i go into the bedroom to wake him up. That's anywhere between 11pm and 3am. WHY?, because me and Luna need to get in bed, and since his snoring is a disturbance to the baby (and myself) i wake him, he rolls Omri to her bed, and  i send him to................................................

Do i feel bad? yes! Is it comfy? no, probably not since hes been sleeping there for about a month now? O.o So until 2 things happen, (us getting a bigger bed & fixing his snoring). So technically were taking shifts co-sleeping with the 2 younger children. I'm in the middle of finding a new system, but until is what it is :/


  1. LOL. Love the pics! You'll figure it out, and when you do...everything will change again. ;-)
